Healing Love - Inner Sexual Alchemy
Inner Sexual Alchemy - Healing Love
Healing Love serves to cultivate the sexual energy (Ching Chi) generated in our ‘love organs’. Closely connected to the glandular system, our sexual organs can generate large amounts of sexual energy, an extremely fiery energy, powerful, lively, but not permanent. In order to store it, it must be channelled to the other organs and must not remain exclusively in the sexual organs or be ‘wasted’, i.e. discharged without being circulated. The exercises and meditations of Healing Love from the Universal Tao show us how to circulate, transform, connect and preserve the fiery energy of Ching Chi with the energy of the heart.
As the sexual energy of men and women is very different and practising together, ‘couple cultivation’, is one of the advanced techniques, the exercises are initially practised individually.
The woman learns the ‘breast massage’, ‘ovary breathing’ and the exercise with the jade egg. In addition to strengthening the entire pelvic floor musculature, the exercises can also be used to treat complaints before and during menstruation, organ prolapse, hormonal fluctuations and to increase sexual sensitivity.
The man learns the massage of the sexual organs, ‘testicular breathing’ and the technique of the ‘big pull up’, with which ejaculation can be controlled and an orgasm can still be experienced. It can also have a positive effect on problems such as impotence, prostate problems, health and pleasure.
The aim is to cultivate the energy of Ching Chi, to utilise the refined love energy for self-healing, rejuvenation, creative expansion and spiritual growth. This makes it possible to experience a vibrant zest for life. It also promotes a deeper understanding of our sexuality as well as our ability to experience love, respect, intimacy and independence in our love relationships.
(Annett May 2004)